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Cassie's Resource Shop

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(based on 7 reviews)

I have been teaching for around 8 years in UK schools, as well as in international schools in Tanzania, China and Romania. Because of this experience, I am interested in making resources that teach my students about other countries, as well as resources about festivals, celebrations and special days. I also enjoy writing short children's stories, so you may see some of those uploaded from time to time.




I have been teaching for around 8 years in UK schools, as well as in international schools in Tanzania, China and Romania. Because of this experience, I am interested in making resources that teach my students about other countries, as well as resources about festivals, celebrations and special days. I also enjoy writing short children's stories, so you may see some of those uploaded from time to time.


A lovely resource containing 40 pages of photos and information about Japanese life and culture, such as food, clothing, city life, marshal arts, shrines, temples and sakura blossoms! A useful resource for students of all ages. You could use this resource in class to inspire discussions, art projects or creative writing tasks. This presentation is in PDF format.
An introduction to Spain

An introduction to Spain

This 48-page resource shows beautiful images of Spanish culture, art, architecture, food and landscapes. Short captions and suggested follow-up activities are included within the resource, to help you when using the presentation in class. You could use this resource to discuss and compare your schools' location with the places shown in this resource. A useful resource for students of all ages, to help them to learn about other countries.
Holi, the Festival of Colours and Love

Holi, the Festival of Colours and Love

This resource introduces the Hindu festival of Holi, which is known as the festival of colours and love. The resource explains how Holi is celebrated and introduces two legends behind the festival: The Legend of Vishnu and Prahlada and The Legend of Krishna and Radha. The resource contains lots of colourful and interesting images, to grab your students' interest. This resource is useful for students of all ages, to inform, inspire and spark discussion. Please note, this resource is a PDF.


A 36 page resource, looking at life in India, including photos showing city life, village life, traditions, monuments and beautiful scenery. The photos are captioned, to help you use this resource in class as discussion or writing prompts. Of course, the photos would also make a lovely classroom display, or resource for the book corner, if you choose to print them. Please note, this resource is a PDF file.
Food from around the world

Food from around the world

An interesting resource, looking at different cuisines from around the world. Notably, European, Mexican and Asian food (including the UK, France, Spain, China, India and Japan.) This is a useful resource for students who are interested in the world around them, cooking, flavours and diversity. My class loves looking at this resource! I use it as a discussion topic. Please note, this resource is a PDF.
Life in China Bundle

Life in China Bundle

5 Resources
China is a vast and fascinating country. These resources are intended to give your students a greater insight into life in China and learn more about Chinese customs and culture.
Festivals and Celebrations Bundle

Festivals and Celebrations Bundle

11 Resources
This bundle contains resources that introduce: Chinese New Year, Martisor, Holi, Diwali, Ramadan, Easter, New Year’s Eve, International Women’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Saint Patrick’s Day, Shrove Tuesday, Lent and Mardi Gras. These resources are useful in classroom and whole-school assembly settings, for students of any age. Simply show the presentations on your computer or smartboard and discuss!
Houses and Homes from Around the World

Houses and Homes from Around the World

32 interesting photos of houses and homes around the world. This resource is intended to help you teach your students more about life in other countries, they can compare the homes in the resource with their own. You could show the resource on the computer or smart board, or print out individual images to use as discussion, creative writing or art project prompts. Please note, this resource is a PDF document.
Landmarks from Around the World

Landmarks from Around the World

A resource containing interesting facts about 15 famous world landmarks (such as the Eiffel Tower, Sydney Opera House, The Pyramids at Giza and the Colosseum in Rome). You could use the resource as a listening activity, guessing game, research opportunity or discussion prompt. A useful resource for a topic on buildings, countries, cultures or famous places. Please note, this resource is a PDF file.
An Introduction to Life in Romania

An Introduction to Life in Romania

A resource looking at Romanian traditions, homes, buildings and way of life. The resource contains 32 images for you to discuss with your students, print out to make a display or use as writing prompts. All of the photos are of a high-quality. A useful resource for students of all ages who are interested in life in other countries. Please note, this resource is a PDF document.


A resource all about Spring! Focusing on how the seasons change, and looking at the flowers, birds and animals of spring. A resource suitable for students of all ages, you could use this resource in class or assembly, or print out the images for a classroom display. Please note, this resource is a PDF file.
Children Around the World

Children Around the World

A 34 page resource, showing photos of children at school, home or at play around the world. This resource could be used to help your students learn more about diversity and the world around them. You could print the photos to use as a classroom display or discussion prompts. Use them to compare cultures, schools and ways children play around the world. Please note, this resource is a PDF document.
Clothes from around the world

Clothes from around the world

This resource aims to introduce the vast range of clothing worn in different countries and cultures around the world. The resource contains photos of people wearing national dress in various countries, and looks at clothes that people wear in their day to day lives and for special events, such as weddings and national days. An interesting resource for students of all ages, who enjoy learning more about life in other countries. You could show this resource on the computer or smartboard and discuss it in class, or print out images for a display or to use as a resource in the book corner. Please note, this resource is a PDF file.
Life cycle of a chicken

Life cycle of a chicken

In spring I enjoy teaching my class about life cycles, as so many things are growing, being born and hatching all around us at the moment! This resource explains the life cycle of a chicken. The resource contains information and real-life photos about how chicks hatch and grow, for you to present to your class. The resource also contains a cut and stick activity and a draw your own life cycle activity, that you can print for your students. This resource is a PDF file, that can either be printed or shown on a computer screen or smartboard.
Around the World Bumper Bundle

Around the World Bumper Bundle

20 Resources
A collection of resources to spark your students’ interest in the world around them! Each resource in this bundle is a carefully made presentation, containing splendid images and interesting facts about different countries and cultures.
Around the World Mini Bundle

Around the World Mini Bundle

7 Resources
A selection of resources that are aimed at sparking your students’ interest in the world around them. They help you to explore the world from your classroom! These resources include interesting facts and photos about clothing, food, landmarks, houses and children from Africa, Asia, Europe, North and South America and Australiasia.
Daily life in China

Daily life in China

An interesting resource, containing images of a typical Chinese town, to give an insight into daily life in China. This resource is intended as a springboard for discussion in class, for example to compare your own way of life with that in China, or to help your students learn more about the rich and diverse Chinese culture. You could also print the photos to use as writing prompts. This resource is suitable for students of all ages who are interested in other countries and cultures. Please note, this resource is a PDF document.
Children Around the World - Short Video

Children Around the World - Short Video

A short video showing images of children at home, school and play in different countries around the world. You could the video in class as a lesson/ activity starter or prompt for discussion. A useful resource for students of all ages!
Martisor, a Celebration of Spring

Martisor, a Celebration of Spring

The purpose of this resource is to introduce the little-known celebration of Martisor. It takes place in Romania on 1st March and is a time when Romanians bid farewell to Winter and welcome Spring. I hope you will enjoy learning more about this holiday and sharing it with your class. Please note, this resource is a PDF document.
Changes Over the Years in Piccadilly Gardens, Manchester

Changes Over the Years in Piccadilly Gardens, Manchester

This resource introduces changes that have taken place in the Piccadilly Gardens area of Manchester, from the 1750s to the present day. This resource is a really useful way of showing your students how cities develop and change over time. I hope you will enjoy using it with your class! Please note, this resource is a PDF file.